Resident Steward Model + Ojai Tent Town

Between July 1st and December 31st 2024, Saint Francis Challenge Founder/Director—Amy Farah Weiss —lived and worked on-site at the City of Ojai’s sanctioned Tent Encampment, Ojai Tent Town (OTT) in the role of Lead Resident Steward in order to implement SFC’s Resident Steward Model.

Working in collaboration with City of Ojai staff and elected officials, local nonprofit service providers, the Ojai Police Department, Ventura County Behavioral Health, community members, neighbors, and volunteers, the Resident Steward program provided additional structure, engagement, and support for OTT residents, as well as engagement opportunities and activities for community members who had concerns about and/or wished to support OTT.

View the slide deck below from SFC’s final Community Engagement Meeting for OTT to learn more about what we accomplished!

Ojai Tent Town Community Engagement Survey:

Saint Francis Challenge received funding from the City of Ojai to support co-living, on-site operations, resident and neighborhood wellness, and community-integration for the City Hall Tent Encampment. Our first activities have focused on soliciting feedback from residents of the tent encampment, service providers, and community members.

Community Engagement Survey Methods

  • Types of Outreach: Mailings to all residents within 500 feet, E-mails to City E-mail list and outreach on City social media, postings on multiple Ojai-related community Facebook groups, stories in local media (Ojai Valley News and The Little Valley Blog)

  • Who took the survey: 161 City of Ojai residents completed the survey—38 of whom live within 500 feet of City Hall. An additional 80 Residents in Ventura County took the survey (not included in presentation data.

  • Who attended the July 30th Community Engagement Meeting: The first OTT Community Engagement meeting was a great success, with 30 members of the larger community in attendance, 8 OTT residents, Mayor Betsy Stix, Council Member Leslie Rule


  • View the results by clicking through the slidedeck below

OTT Resident Steward Model featured in local blog—Read all about it!

Ojai's Tent Town (This Little Valley, July 25 2024)